Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 6 and the outlook is...

I woke up feeling no better than I was feeling last night.  I think the dreams were the worst of the whole ordeal.  I had one dream about my frogs (I've actually had several dreams about them), but I don't really remember anything about it.  Every other dream I can remember was about death.  Either I was dying, or someone close to me just died, died in front of me, or was about to die.

I woke up to the horrible weather.  I know the weather has a hard part to play in my mood lately.  Today was definitely no exception.

These pictures were taken with my iPhone on my way to work.  This was the day I was facing.  Definitely didn't help the mood.  I've made it, though, and the day is nearing an end.  I only have 2 more hours to get through at my desk, and I have plenty of work to keep me busy in that time.

I have decided if I can make it through these first two weeks, I can live through anything.  It's definitely been taking it's toll on me and I'm going to try something a little different tonight.
I originally said that one of my resolutions was to work out.  I haven't started that yet.  So I've decided to start tonight.  I think that will help my mood.  I'm sick of sitting around doing nothing but feeling sorry for myself.  I'm done with it.  I'm going to do something about it.

Hoorah, right?  That would be the right thing to say here...  If I had the enthusiasm to say it...

1 comment:

  1. The fog and the trees picture looks awesome. I know you're feeling "under the weather" (hehe get it, under the weather. I KILL MYSELF) but you gotta find the positive in all the negative you're feeling. After all you did have the enthusiasm to at least type HOORAY! Smile it'll make people wonder what you're thinking about. ;)
