Wednesday, March 2, 2011


This entry is going to be a little out of the norm for me, but oh well.  Deal with it.  If you don't like it, don't read what I write.  ^_~

Based on my previous entries, you'd probably never guess it, but I'm a total reality show addict.  Not reality shows like Jersey Shore or The Kardashians or anything like that.  I'd rather be decapitated than have to sit through those shows.  No, shows like American Idol and Survivor.  I'm horribly addicted.  I used to refuse to watch shows like that.  Before I met my husband.  He loves Survivor, so I sat through it with him one time and I'm totally in love now.  As for American Idol, well, he told me the auditions were funny to watch so you could see all the terrible singers.  We watched the auditions last season and I fell right into the black hole that is American Idol and I've been watching it since.

I don't love everything about the show, please don't misunderstand.  I can't handle Ryan Seacrest.  The guy just rubs me the wrong way.  To the point where I want to just claw his eyes out every time I hear him say "This...  Is American Idol..."  Blah blah blah.  Whatever pretty boy.  But the show itself is something interesting.

I've always wanted to be a singer.  From the moment I could first carry a tune.  Why, I couldn't tell you.  But I have.  This show gives people like me just a little bit of hope.  I don't have hope that I could ever actually be on that stage in the top 24, but at least I could put in an effort to try, right?  Well, that's what I'm planning on.  The age cap is 28.  That's how old I will be during the next audition run.  I'm going to audition.  I'm probably going to end up on TV as one of the worst, but hey, it'll be fun in the process.  I've never done anything that big, so I'd really love to have that item crossed off my bucket list.

This season of the show is interesting, I must admit.  There are about 5 guys that I absolutely love.  The others can just go to hell for all I care.  Especially Jordan Dorsey.  That guy...  I don't like the way he sings and I haven't since his first audition.  I wish he had done the OMG song during Hollywood week because I truly believe he would have been sent home.  Talent (or the lack there of) aside, he's just an ass.  The way he was running his own auditions for his group on group day was ridiculous.  Then, even after he finally agrees to one guy (whom I thought wasn't nearly as good as the other two they showed him "auditioning"), he eventually just ends up leaving that group anyway.  I can't believe the nerve of that guy.  I mean, I understand it's a competition and you need to be watching your own back and moving yourself forward, but as Derek and I saw on Bridal Plasty (another reality show I fell into), you don't have to step on everyone in your path to get to the top, and in the end, being friends with those you're competing against can end up working in your favour.  This is something Jordan needs to learn, but I don't believe he ever will.  The guy is a douche (pardon my French) that will always step on everyone in his way to try to reach the top.  He really couldn't care less about anyone but himself.

The second person I'm completely against is Clint Jun Gamboa.  This guy is an absolute joke.  How he made it through Hollywood Week, I'll never know.  He's also another douche on the roster.  After accepting Scotty McCreery into his group of already 4, making his group 5, he kicked Jacee (extremely talented 15 year old kid) out of the group because "It just works better with 4".  Why did he even accept Scotty into the group in the first place if he only wanted 4? And if he were going to kick anyone out, it should have been Scotty (don't get me wrong, I love this kid..  I think he's going to make it really far in this competition), simply because he was the most recent to join the group.  But no, he gets rid of the 15 year old kid.  I felt bad for the guy!  He was in tears!  I can understand the feeling of rejection he must have had.  Poor kid.  But, in the end, Jacee was not added to the top 24.  To be honest, I think that's for the best.  He's very talented, but he does need a year or two to mature and work on his stage presence.  A few pounds lost wouldn't hurt any either.  But I really do hope he comes back.  And screw Clint for being such a jerk.  I know he says it wasn't personal, but whatever.  He was just being a selfish douche and that's something I just can't get past.  I don't care for his voice, either.  lol...

My absolute favourites...  These are the five I hope to see in the top 10.  Casey Abrams (a Seth Rogen look-a-like with AMAZING talent - not just in his voice, but the instruments he plays), James Durbin (not even aspergers or turrets can stop this kid from belting out the lyrics to some kick ass rocker songs - I am totally in love with this guy's voice - he feels the music and he makes his audience feel it too), Scotty McCreery (this kid WILL be a big country star - I guarantee multiple country recording companies are chomping at the bit to have this guy off Idol so they can nab him up - he is definitely going to make it in the industry with his gorgeous deep country voice), Paul McDonald (I can't believe this guy isn't already signed somewhere - last night's rendition of the Rod Stewart song Maggie Mae was to the T a perfect cover), and last but not least, Brett Loewenstern (cheeky red-head whose personality reminds me a bit of Pauly Shore, but his voice by far makes up for any of his downfalls - and I love the way he moves around and throws his hair around while he sings).

I can't wait to see where these five guys go.  I think they will do amazing things with their voices.

As for the girls (who will be showcased on tonight's episode), I really have no favourites yet.  Well, I can say this...  I really love Naima Adedapo's look.  I'm not really sure what I think of her voice, but her look is striking.  The other girls haven't really stuck out in my mind like the guys did this year.  We'll have to see where they go and what they can do tonight, but I'm not really holding my breath for an amazing performance or anything.

Alright, I think I'm done with my reality show tirade.  For anyone that actually read this whole thing, congrats.  I don't think I could have done it.  Ha!  But now you have a little more insight into the mind that is mine.  Don't worry.  There won't be a lot of entries like this one.  I had just read another article online about last night's episode and I wanted to get my two cents in.  Thanks for reading!

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